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See how Ultraformer III compares to others
Here is a quick look of how Ultraformer III is different from its competitors
Variety of parameters
Unlike other HIFU technologies, Ultraformer allows the practitioner to control Energy, Density & the length of line to tailor them to the needs of different patients.
Ultraformer feature 1
Impressive results
Elliptic transducer technology delivers higher peak power which creates focused thermal effect on target tissue.
Ultraformer feature 4
Engineered for cost effectivness
When compared, Ultraformer's cartridge has 3 times the number of lines at a more affordable price. It also eliminates the need to purchase additional cartridges for small areas by controlling the length of line.
Ultraformer feature 5
30% faster
Ultraformer's high repetition rate, its continuous pulse shooting  by the repeat mode & the availability of two handpieces allow for a shorter session duration.
Ultraformer feature 3
You Control It
Unique Pitch parameter (spacing between coagulation points) allows choosing tolerable density for sensitive patients while preserving efficacy by applying more passes.
Ultraformer feature 7
Right Benefit 3 Single-handed control
Ultraformer's light gun-shaped handpiece allows the user to control it with a single hand eliminating exhaustion over extended use periods.
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