UV phototherapy
Inflammatory acne
Medical furniture & accessories
Dark circles & puffiness
Treatment and Diagnostics
Treatments & diagnostic
Is Nordlys treatment painful?
No, the treatment is well tolerated by most of the patients…slight discomfort is expected during the pulses & lasts only for a few seconds.
What to expect after Nordlys treatment?
Hair removal patients will notice hair starting to fall few days after treatment, skin rejuvenation patients will have slight erythema & edema that will subside shortly.
How many sessions are needed in Nordlys treatments?
An average of 4-8 sessions is usually required, it may increase or decrease depending on the patient condition, indication & the physician assessment.
Are Nordlys treatments' results comparable to other lasers?
Nordlys results are comparable to other systems in mild to moderate cases, once you build your business momentum you will be more sure about what indications are highly required in your practice & you can Opt in adding a specialized system focused on single indication.
Is Nordlys treatment safe?
Yes, Nordlys is the gold standard in IPLs category and has an established safety for many years.
How can I know that Nordlys is the right choice for me?

If you are new to aesthetics business and want to cover a wide variety of indications, have other specialty and newly adding aesthetics, have limited space in your clinic and want to cover multiple indications we recommend Nordlys as the right choice by its various treatment options.

Can I start with one handpiece & upgrade with more ones upon need?
Yes, Nordlys is an upgradeable system
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